One of the greatest blessings in my life

I met Lizabeth at the Kaiser Permanente laboratory in 1990. Both of us worked in the evening and gradually began to get to know each other. I was always very amazed at how Lizabeth helped so many people. All of them came to her with their problems and Lizabeth always advised them, looked after them and tried to help them. She not only helped them emotionally with advice and support but also helped many of her colleagues with their work in the laboratory. They came to Lizabeth for her professional opinion.

As time went by, we began to meet beyond work hours and I met Mrs. Zoilita, Lizabeth’s mother. I also came to know Neal Moskowitz, another colleague, and a very good friend of Lizabeth.

After some time, I changed jobs and Lizabeth never forgot about me. She always called me, invited me and was aware of what was happening in my life. She always invited me to eat the delicious food prepared by her mother at home.

One very cold and rainy evening in the month of December, someone knocked at my door. When I opened it, I found Mrs. Zoilita with bags full of Christmas’ presents for the family. Lizabeth and she were going around Los Angeles playing Papa Noel. Both of them never forgot any Christmas Eve or any of my birthdays.

Other friends always joked that Lizabeth’s house was like the United Nations or the Chilean embassy, because everybody arrived there and stayed, ate, laughed and had a nice time.

I went through many difficult times in my life and Lizabeth was always by my side. She has always called me, supported and prayed for me and my family. I consider her one of the greatest blessings in my life and I cannot believe that I met her while we worked that short time at Kaiser. Twenty-four years later, she is one of the greatest supports in my life. Lizabeth is my friend and counselor and has helped me overcome many problems.


Susan Sarkisian